Happy New Year everyone! After a really nice Christmas holiday back in France, the blog is back in action.
On my flight back to England, I was thinking about New Year resolutions that I would be able to stick to because I find it quite rewarding to achieve my goals and I like the idea of keeping myself busy.
So here they are:
⭑ 1. Learn how to sew
I have been postponing this one for years. I've had a sewing machine since my last birthday but because I had no idea what do to and how to do it, it's just been on top of my wardrobe for months. That's it, I have stopped procrastinating and have subscribed to a sewing course.
⭑ 2. Learn a new language
If there is something I like more than anything (even fashion!) it's languages. This is what I studied, this is what I work with and my whole life is organised around languages. In school, I studied English of course, but also Italian and Ancient Greek (me, picking that option after seeing Brad Pitt wearing sandals and a skirt in Troy? Nope...) I have now decided to improve my Spanish and have enrolled in an intensive course. Olé!
⭑ 3. Exercise more
From very young, I've always practised a sport: danse, basketball, belly danse, gymnastics, fitness, you name it. When moving to England though, I spent two years without exercising at all and decided I had enough in September. I started attending Krav Maga lessons and I'm honestly finding it amazing. From this month, I'm going to double the number of sessions per week and I've also decided that I'm going to start running to build stamina.
⭑ 4. Travel more
I can't really complain about not being able to leave home as I frequently go back to the South of France and Paris and travel to Ireland from time to time. Last year, I was also lucky enough to go to Venice, which I found amazing. But I am always eager to discover more so this year I have planned to visit Copenhagen, Krakow, Berlin and Dublin. I really like the idea of having something to look forward to and of bringing back life-lasting memories. And who knows, I might share some of them with you!
⭑ 5. Keep on being positive and counting my blessings
2016 has been an amazing year for me. I am well aware of how lucky I am to be healthy, to have a job I love, a nice place to live, good people to share my life with and no real worries. Where I used to complain about worthless things (I'm French, that's what we do) I am now better at putting things in perspective and being grateful for what I have.
What are you resolutions for 2017?
Bonne année à tous! Après de chouettes vacances de Noël passées en France, le blog reprend enfin du service.
Pendant mon vol de retour en Angleterre, je me suis mise à faire une liste de bonne résolutions pas complètement inaccessibles (parce que je trouve que c'est quand même plus sympa de se fixer des objectifs à sa portée et que c'est super gratifiant de les atteindre) histoire de m'occuper un peu cette année.
Cette année, j'ai donc décidé de:
⭑ 1. Apprendre à coudre
Cela fait des années que j'ai envie de le faire (et des années que je ne fais rien). J'ai même une machine à coudre bien emballées dans son carton qui n'a pas bougé d'au dessus de ma garde-robe depuis mon dernier anniversaire. Cette fois c'est bon, j'ai arrêté de procrastiner et je me suis inscrite à un cours de couture.
⭑ 2. Apprendre une nouvelle langue
S'il y a bien une chose qui me passionne plus que tout au monde (même plus que la mode!) c'est les langues. C'est ce que j'ai étudié, c'est ce avec quoi je bosse, et au fond ma vie entière est organisée autour des langues. A l'école, en plus de l'anglais, j'ai étudié l'italien mais aussi le grec ancien (moi, choisir cette option juste après avoir vu Brad Pitt en jupette et espadrilles dans Troie? Mais pas du tout, quelle idée...) Cette année, c'est donc l'espagnol qui s'ajoute à la liste, et je me suis inscrite à un cours intensif. Olé!
⭑ 3. Faire plus de sport
Depuis assez jeune, j'ai toujours fait du sport. Danse, basket, danse orientale, gym, fitness, et j'en passe. Seulement depuis mon déménagement en Angleterre, j'étais au point mort. Au bout d'un moment, j'en ai eu vraiment marre (de ne rien foutre) et en septembre je me suis inscrite à des cours de Krav Maga. Je pourrais en parler pendant des heures mais en gros j'adore! A partir de cette semaine, je vais doubler le nombre de séances et j'ai aussi décidé d'aller courir histoire d'améliorer mon endurance.
⭑ 4. Voyager plus
Je ne peux pas vraiment me plaindre de ne pas voyager car je retourne fréquemment en France et je vais en Irlande de temps en temps. L'année dernière, j'ai aussi eu la chance d'aller à Venise, que j'ai trouvée magnifique. Mais j'ai toujours soif de plus, et cette année, j'ai prévu de visiter Copenhague, Cracovie, Berlin et de nouveaux endroits en Irlande. J'adore l'idée d'avoir toujours un voyage à venir et de pouvoir le préparer, me documenter etc. Et puis voyager est un moyen de se créer de super souvenirs. Et qui sait, j'en partagerai peut-être certains avec vous!
⭑ 5. Rester positive et reconnaissante
2016 a été une année géniale pour moi. J'ai bien conscience d'être très chanceuse d'être en bonne santé, d'avoir un job que j'adore, un endroit sympa où vivre, des personnes fabuleuses avec qui partager ma vie, et pas de réels soucis. Quand auparavant je me serais constamment plaint (plainte?) de trucs insignifiants (après tout, je reste française!) j'arrive désormais à mettre les choses en perspective beaucoup plus facilement et à être reconnaissante de ce que j'ai.
Et vous, quelles sont vos bonnes résolutions pour 2017?
Dress - H&M, still available in shops, matching shirt available here
Cardigan - New Look, also visible here
Shoes - Bocage
Necklace - Les Néréïdes, former collection
When I saw 'learn to sew' I had to giggle to myself. I'm absolutely useless at things like that and end up chucking so many tops away because a button has fallen off. I really should make it my resolution too xxx
ReplyDeleteI'm the same, I'd always run to my granny's to ask for her help. Hopefully I won't bother her anymore!
DeleteI don't really do resolutions. But i really hope you achieve yours. Happy new year
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteI love your resolutions! I'm actually learning some french just now, maybe reading your blog posts would help me!
ReplyDeleteAhah! I'm glad if I can help your learning!
DeleteHappy New Year to you too. I am loving your resolutions, apart from learning to sew and new language I have similar ones for the year.
ReplyDeleteGreat resolutions. Exercise is definitely one which I want to get into a routine of in 2017 x
ReplyDeleteAh, that's the good old one!
DeleteI do love the idea of learning a new language, I was always good at them at school x
ReplyDeleteWell, it's never too late to go back to it :)
DeleteJ'aime énormément ton style !!! Les photos sont magnifiques !!
ReplyDeleteJe te souhaite d'atteindre tous tes objectifs pour 2017 :) Des bisous !!
Merci beaucoup! Je te souhaite une excellente année à toi aussi.
DeleteI have similar resolutions - I really want to travel more and I need to exercise more as well! x
ReplyDeleteTraveling is the most important for me, definitely! I hope you will be able to achieve them.
DeleteYou have such lovely clothes! Great post!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteI just fell in love with your blog. Your resolutions shows an ambitious girl, I wish all the luck in achieving them all. Hope to see here some dresses made by you soon. :)
ReplyDeleteMy resolutions so far are losing weight and keep posting on the blog I've just started. I'm still thinking to add some more.
Oh thank you so much. That would be brilliant if I could post my own home made outfits! Who knows!
DeleteGood luck with your blog, you'll see, it's amazing.
I must say I really love your floral dress! you have some great new year resolution. I love that you want to travel more. I have been to all of those cities you want to visit except Dublin. They are all great to visit during spring or summer. Krakow is so cheap, Copenhagen has a great vibe during summer and Berlin has so much historic places to see :D Happy New Year
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm looking forward to going even more now!
DeleteHappy New Year to you too!
Happy New Year! Your resolutions seem so figured out! I think I'll have a seat tomorrow with myself and make my resolutions' list. I am still learning English and German, but, my German is pretty bad. I guess I could say I understand Spanish even more, because I watched many TV soaps as a child. Above all that, my passion is Serbian language, but the Russian as well. I would be so lucky if I could make some time for traveling this year. A little vacation in Greece.
ReplyDeleteWow that's amazing! That's already a lot of languages!
DeleteI wish you to be able to go to Greece. I've never been myself but some areas of Greece really appeal me!
this reminds me that i need to carry on studying spanish. i haven't had the chance to carry on and would love to pick it back up again
ReplyDeleteThe app Duolinguo is quite good to learn languages. Maybe you could have a go at it!
DeleteI would love to learn a new language this year too x
ReplyDeleteThat's brilliant! Go girl!
DeleteA fair list that I feel you will achieve :) mine has 15, but don't mind if can't reach them all. 3 I really hope to get though! Wish i was better with languages. I find it embarrassing to resort to my phrase book. Typical brit i guess. Well done in knowing so many other languages. Always nice to learn something new in a new year! Also love reiterating the importance of keeping positive. Good read :) x
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Delete15! That's a lot. Congrats if you manage to reach of all them!
Mine should include more reading as well!
I still need to add a few things to my list Of things to do; travel is definately a big one for me and I hope to go away a few times this year x
ReplyDeleteFor me it's what makes life worth it. I couldn't imagine myself staying at home and never going anywhere.
DeleteI think the positive resolution is such a great one!
ReplyDeleteThanks, I try!
DeleteLove your resolutions, not the classic cliche ones you see everywhere. After a tough 2016 I haven't made any resolutions, I just want to have a happy, positive year and not feel like I'm pressuring myself to stick to resolutions
ReplyDeleteThanks! I totally get your point. That's why I only picked 5 which I'm very motivated to accomplish.
DeleteI love your resolution list. Learn a new language is a great one. Have you heard of Duolingo? I love that app. I'm learning Spanish there as well. Last year I did some Polish, because I was going to visit Krakow. Now it's Spanish :). Exercising is always nice. That's one of mine as well!
ReplyDeleteI have indeed, I've been using it myself.
DeleteI hope you'll reach your exercising goal then :)
I would love to learn a new language too. That dress is so pretty!
ReplyDeleteFirstly, your dress is absolutely beautiful, I just love it. I also love your goals for 2017, they are practical and achievable.
ReplyDeleteLove the outfit (especially the fluffy cardi ... perfect snuggle clothing). Sewing is highly addictive so be ware. Once you start you'll be wanting to make so many things including outfits!
ReplyDeleteThat floral dress is just like a dream. New year resolutions are many for me this time and exercising and traveling is on my list for sure.